Depending on what concerns you the most about your skin and skin care, this guide will address the most frequent problems men and women alike face daily. Is dry skin a problem or perhaps rough patches that you’re not sure of the cause? Read on to find solutions to your particular concerns before you contact a dermatologist.
A fantastic idea for maintaining your skin is to quit smoking. Smoking causes lines to develop around the top lip, eyes, forehead, and cheeks. Smokers develop more wrinkles and have drier skin than people that don’t smoke. Smoker’s lines are much deeper than normal wrinkles.
If conventional face maintenance techniques do not work (washing, toning, moisturizing), try applying an over the counter topical medication. Products such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are specially formulated to kill bacteria. They are somewhat strong, particularly to those with sensitive skin, so you should apply them in tiny amounts.
In case you have sensitive skin, avoid using cosmetics that aren’t natural or hypoallergenic. Many popular makeup brands contain harsh irritants, fragrances and other chemicals that may completely soften skin. Stick to all-natural cosmetics free of these ingredients and make sure not to mix too many brands as this can also cause a reaction.
Instead of washing your face with either very hot or very cold water, use only lukewarm water, as part of your daily regimen. Both warm and cold water shock the skin, which can leave it particularly irritated and dry. Extreme temperatures may also dehydrate skin tissues and cause unsightly capillaries to surface.
In the cold months you should use a humidifier, especially in the event you have central heat. Central heating systems push out warm, dry air through out the building. This air can damage and dry your skin out. Using a humidifier can add moisture in the air, allow you to breathe better, and keep your skin from drying out.
When purchasing skin care products, always check the label for ingredients. A product which contains only chemicals is going to be damaging to your skin. Start looking for natural products that contain few ingredients. Nature contains loads of very efficient treatments that will not harm your skin since they’re not harsh like chemicals.
If you are wanting to keep your skin looking healthy all of the time, then you should restrict your bath or shower time. Taking more baths and showers depletes healthy oils from your skin. Additionally, if you make sure to take warm, instead of hot showers, your skin will keep a narrower brilliance.
The smallest adjustments to your lifestyle can make a world of difference in protecting your skin from aging. For example, you should switch to pillows made of satin rather than cotton. When you sleep at night, the cotton makes imprints on your face. Over time (think about it, you sleep every night !) These imprints can create permanent marks.
As was mentioned in the article, skin care is a common topic with both men and women. Suggestions were given regarding what could be the cause of your specific issue. If the suggestions within left you scratching your head (or skin), then maybe it would be sensible to find a dermatologist to determine what solution would be ideal for you.